• Gisela Hildegard van Rensburg Unisa
  • Pat Mayers UCT
  • Lizeth Roets Unisa
Keywords: student support, supervision, supervisor


Knowledge transfer is an inevitable process in higher education where research outputs are largely associated with the production of Masters’ and Doctoral graduates. The supervision of postgraduate students at universities is therefore one of the core responsibilities of academics and is considered a measure of academic output. Supervision not only transfers research and related skills, but is also an intensive and interconnected form of educator-student engagement. The role of the supervisor in providing a supportive, constructive and engaged supervision process is important in the development of next generation practitioners who have the correct educational and skills mix to fulfil the future needs of the profession. The underlying principle of student support during supervision is that an experienced supervisor will be able to move through the learning processes with the student as this becomes appropriate. As the student gains competence in the basic skills of conducting research in a particular field of study, he or she will move to a deeper understanding of the nature and reality of that field. Research and, ultimately, high quality supervision of students, plays a pivotal role in the scholarship of discovery and the development of evidence-based practice.

Author Biographies

Gisela Hildegard van Rensburg, Unisa
ProfessorDepartment of Health Studies
Pat Mayers, UCT
Associate Professor and Acting Head of Division Division of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Health Sciences, UCT
Lizeth Roets, Unisa
ProfessorDepartment of Health Studies


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