• Yvonne Botma University of the Free State
  • June Jeggels University of the Western Cape
  • Leana Uys University of KwaZulu-Natal
Keywords: Clinical preceptors, training, guided practice


Nursing students in South Africa are mostly dissatisfied with clinical teaching and accompaniment in clinical practice. Consequently final year students feel ill prepared for their roles as registered nurses. Many factors, for example the shift from hospital based training to higher education, staff shortages, high acuity levels, greater treatment sophistication etc contribute to the dilemma of inadequate support of students during clinical placements.  Preceptors that are either appointed by the nursing education institution or health service may address the issue of inadequate support of students. However, preceptors should be well trained to facilitate learning in the complex and dynamic clinical environment. This article gives an outline for the preparation of preceptors and includes selection criteria for candidates, the content of a training programme, as well as the assessment of programme outcomes.

Author Biography

Yvonne Botma, University of the Free State


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