• DN Conco DENOSA
  • F M Mulaudzi University of Pretoria
  • E Seekoe University of Fort Hare
  • L Netshikweta University of Venda
Keywords: Distance learning, Education, Nursing


This article provides an overview and history, as well as outlining the aims, objectives and organizational structure of the Democratic Nursing Organisation of SA (DENOSA).  The role and responsibility of DENOSA as a professional association is delineated in relation to social policy development, service and practice affairs, nursing education and professional advancement, research, socio-economic welfare and its trade union wing. The history of the national nursing association in the country since 1944 leading to the establishment of DENOSA in 1996 is also briefly described. The objectives and structures are outlined, and the national, regional and international networks to which the organization belongs, identified. The roles and responsibilities of the organisation are then critically analyzed and illustrated with regard to current projects. In conclusion, the challenges faced by the organization are mentioned.


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